About Us

About us

Broker Systems was founded in September 1988 and it was the first company in Greece that developed and provided software solutions to Brokerage Firms active in the Greek capital markets since its inception and since then it remains under the same partnership and management,.

Today the company offers a complete product line of software aiming to further strengthen the capabilities of its original software and constantly seeks to cover new needs emerging from a fast growing capital market, hereby providing flexible solutions to Banking Institutions, Brokerage Firms, Order Agents and to retail investors.

Broker Systems is the most specialized company in providing customized software solutions to specific clients in Greece, with a market share of over 65% in the Greek brokerage market and over 40% in the Cypriot Brokerage Market.

Already holding a significant share in the Greek & Cypriot brokerage market, the company has expanded into other foreign markets, starting from South East Europe, and today is providing also Software and Services to Romanian market.

Broker Systems is the creator and exclusive distributor of “XRHMA Plus”, the flagship of the company’s products, which was the only complete software environment in Greece combining the different functions, required by a brokerage firm’s front-back-middle office operations and during Greek Capital Market expansion by end of 2000, XRHMA software was used by 90% of the Greek brokerage firms.

The Company has developed a variety of new software and applications, the most prominent being XRHMA, a product based on Windows environment with highly developed functional ergonomics and user friendliness. XRHMA, aiming to substitute other software, was gradually substituting the old version in almost all brokerage firms and other market participants.

Following the market expansion to other products such as Foreign Markets & Derivatives, the Company introduced supplementary specialized modules, based on XRHMA, to support the front-middle-back operations of these products. A lot of applications directed at the specific needs of companies engaged in foreign markets & derivatives trading. Other than covering their functional needs, it also uses a variety of innovative mathematical methods and statistical analysis in order to assist their decision making process and control/validate the risk in providing trading capabilities to their retail clients through internet.

In its continuous pursuit of growth and development, Broker Systems provides valuable software solutions to all the different counterparts involved in trading, starting from the professionals within brokerage firms to the individual investor and Bank’s network.

In addition, Broker Systems is aiming to increase its presence outside the Greek borders, except Cyprus, having made the first step with the launch of a significant present in Romania with Serbia and Bulgaria to follow.